Be A Man!!!!

Fight for our beliefs!
This post is for the men out there. Yesterday was Black Friday. The day that brings out the worst in most people. The greed, selfishness, and utter immaturity of the people. In one instance there were two men who were fighting over a toy car. Yes, grown men. (If you want to read more on this, here is the link: They even let you watch the video. How generous. This incident disgusted me and so I thought I would write a letter to the men out there. (I am well aware that women definitely have their share of such behavior on Black Friday as well).

My dear fellow men,
   What has happened to Godly manhood? Is fighting over toys in a store, kneeling during the national anthem, or cussing excessively what it has come to? I must say, especially proven by this incident, age does not make one a man. Christ died for us and is more persecuted now than ever. Don't be cowards! Step up and fight for your principles, not a toy car. Remember Thomas Jefferson's words, "One man with courage is a majority." Put on the armor of God! Not the toy one that comes in aisle three. Take back the kingdom of God! Stand for the principles which you say you believe in so firmly. Prove to God you want His kingdom! When you die, will you be remembered for attending sports games? For playing video games? For attaining wealth? For buying a toy car? No! You will be remembered for your principles and if you were worthy enough to believe them! I am calling you all to take the fight and to only press forward. Fight Satan in the public square, where he is demanding approval everyday. Pray the rosary. Fight for Holy Mother Church against every way in which She is attacked. Let integrity guide you! When you fight for the Lord and make yourself worthy of Him, you are worthy of anything. Be a man! More so, be a man of God and a knight of Our Lady!

Montgisard - Deus que fazia aparecer sua força nos fracos inspirou o rei Balduíno IV que desceu de sua montaria, prosternou-se com a face contra a terra diante da Cruz e rezou com lágrimas. À vista disto, o coração de todos os soldados se enterneceu. Eles estenderam todos a mão sobre a verdadeira Cruz e juraram jamais fugir; e, em caso de derrota, olhar como traidor e apóstata quem fugisse em vez de morrer.

Thank you!


  1. I love the letter! I didn't watch the video, but I am really shocked over how immature some people can be. But then I never went shopping on black Friday. I feel like those two men should be humiliated over the video being shown in public.

  2. Black Friday never ceases to amaze/disgust me.

    The men definitely should be ashamed of themselves. I'm so glad you wrote this letter, Rosalind!



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