That's Right, Open That Mind!
Why did I title this article in such a way? Well, if it intrigues you, keep reading!
Femininity (and all Catholics really) require the art of open mindedness. I am going to start with a few stories of personal experience. I work with a young man who has more liberal ideas and need I say more? We don't really agree politically (amazing how elections can bring everyone to talk about politics and reveal more about them!). Anyway, we have had many arguments about multiple topics. However, he is still one of my favorite people to work with (also, he showed me that not all liberals are immature and that you can still be professional after an argument)... Why do I like to work with him so much? He is open minded! Other people at work have observed the 'arguments' and they made ridiculous comments and even he silenced them because he was not arguing to embarrass me or anything of that sort. He has even stated that he just wants to know why I think certain things to understand my point of view and have a mature conversation. Now, I know multiple people who share the same beliefs politically but they will shut down everything I say - on every little matter..... every. little. thing. They definitely do not make me feel welcome and I count the minutes until they are gone. So, why be open-minded? I have an analogy. Imagine that you are a house and it is storming outside. You see people outside who do not know where to go. They are looking but cannot find a peaceful place to resist the storm. Seeing them, you call out to them and tell them to come in. But, you also have locked your doors. You continue to tell them how wonderful it is inside and they might even try to enter. But, you never open the door. You say great things but will then refuse to really help them. What is the obvious result? They are gong to move on and pay no heed to you again and you lost that opportunity to share your faith with them.
We women are the ones to nurture others (physically AND spiritually). We care for them and we show them that we care about them. As Catholics this is especially important because we are the messengers of Christ. Being open minded shows that you value others' opinions which shows that you care about them and are truly not only being condescending because you alone know the truth. That is more likely to win people over for Christ (not to mention that others will enjoy your company much more). Also, a conversation goes both ways, one needs to listen and one needs to speak. The rules apply to all! Let me also be clear. Open-mindedness means not that you have to agree with them, but, that you are open to discussion and hearing all perspectives to gain understanding. Also, have you noticed how some people will not discuss things because they are afraid they are wrong? To open your mind to others shows that you are grounded in your convictions but that you want to understand them and that you are also always open to learning (especially because no one is knows everything, you might learn something new!) . I just want to also add that I find closed minded people to be rude and it usually drives from selfish motives and has no patience and lacks any virtue. Just a last thought. Our Blessed Lord has an open mind with us. He wants us to bring all our joys, thoughts, and prayers to Him in order for Him to perfect us because He is perfection and only He can make us perfect. He loves us more than we can even imagine. With that thought, have a blessed Sunday!
God bless you and God bless America!
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